Autumn Tips to Weatherproof Your House

Autumn Tips to Weatherproof Your House –

 The wind is chilly, the temperature is dropping, the leaves are falling, the skies are cloudy, the streets are muddy, and you start to realize that winter is coming! But is your house ready to fight against it’s biggest threat: mother nature? What can you do to protect your house against harsh weather, you may ask? No worries… We came up with a list of things you can do to weatherproof your house from Omaha winters!

Cellular window shades1. First things first, windows. Keeping cold air outside and warm air in will help with reducing energy waste, and to lower your electric and gas bills. One way of doing this is by adding self-adhesive weatherstripping to all of your windows where the sash slides in. If your windows are letting too much cold air in (or warm air out), then making an investment in installing new energy-efficient windows will make a huge difference in the comfort of your home and your utility bills. Energy efficient replacement windows offer maximum energy-efficiency to protect against Omaha’s extreme temperatures.

Quality window shades can also add extra insulation to your windows. Cellular shades, such as Graber’s 3/8″ Double Cell shade, add a layer of insulation between your windows and your living space, while adding beautiful style and privacy.

Leaves in gutters in Omaha2. Make sure gutters are flowing properly. This will prevent water from running down your home’s exterior walls and into the foundation. Check that your gutters are at the correct angle (they should be slopping at 1/16″ – 1/8″ per foot) and are sloped so that water flows towards a downspout. Make sure gutters are not clogged with leaves and other debris. If your home is surrounded by trees, consider installing leaf guards to keep your gutters clean and functioning properly.

Closeup of roofing shingles3. Check for roof leaks. During the brightest time of day, take a look at your attic for streams of light or water. This will help you locate existing holes in your roof that can cause water damage or critter invasion. When in doubt, get help from a professional roofer in Omaha who can inspect your roof, answer all of your questions and perform repairs or, when needed, install a new roof.


4. Check your home’s insulation. Do a spot check (in your attic, basement and around windows and doors) to make sure there aren’t gaps or cracks letting air in or out. Small cracks and gaps can be sealed with caulk.

Nearly a quarter of your home’s heat can be lost through the roof if your attic is not well-insulated with standard fiberglass insulation or spray foam insulation. Fiberglass insulation costs less and can be installed yourself, however spray foam insulation is more effective, especially in Omaha’s extreme cold.  

From the inside to outside of your home, we have you covered! For more information on home improvements, repairs and maintenance contact us in Omaha. We’d love to help!


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