Tips for Painting the Exterior of Your House


Tips for Painting the Exterior of Your House - 

Putting a new coat of paint on the outside of your home not only improves the overall appearance, but it provides an added layer of protection from the sun and the elements which otherwise would start to damage your house.

Painting can be time consuming, hard work and the costs can add up whether you choose to hire a professional house painter or not. When you decide that your home needs a new coat of paint, here are five tips that will help get the job done right.

Paint during the Dry Time of the Year

While the weather in the greater Omaha area can be unpredictable, there are times in which it is relatively free of inclement weather such as the middle of the summer or during the late winter and early spring before the rains arrive. This will allow the paint to dry quicker and properly adhere to the surface of the home, so try to paint during the dry time of the year.

Go with Quality over Price

The better the quality of paint you use, the fewer coats you will need to apply to the home. This means less time painting and the results will be a longer-lasting coat that will require fewer re-painting jobs in the future. Don’t skimp on paint when trying to save money as the higher quality products will actually keep more cash in your pocket in the long run.

To Use Primer or Not

The established method of painting a home starts with a coat of primer followed by the color of paint you want on the outside of your house. However, there are new brands that combine both primer and the paint into one product so that you do not have to apply as many coats. This new type of paint is more expensive and you will only want to use the best quality for your home.

Mix It Up & Paint from Top to Bottom

To ensure that your home is covered evenly with the exact same color of paint, mix the cans together in a five-gallon container so that they are all the same. Once you have done that, start painting you home from top to bottom so that drips and streaks are properly covered on the way down.

While painting may be seen as a trying experience, it can be done properly if you follow these tips. However, you may also want to choose a professional Omaha painter to do the job for you.

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