Hail Damage May Mean a Free Roof!

Hail Damage May Mean a Free Roof -

If you have your roof insured for hail damage, this means that you may qualify for a free roof after a hail storm. The hail damage Omaha residents see after a thunderstorm often includes wind and rain damage as well which can certainly compromise your home. Here at United Services, your local roofing contractor in Omaha, we've helped hundreds of homeowners qualify for a roof replacement through their homeowner's insurance. 

The Consequences of Hail Damage

Damage caused by hail may have significant consequences for your home. This is because if your roof is compromised the rest of your home may suffer from water, mold, or mildew damage. Cracks in the roof allows for moisture to penetrate and get inside your home. Once present, the water itself can do damage to supporting structures and get inside the walls causing further damage.

However, it is the threat of mold and mildew which may truly compromise your home. Moisture is a breeding place for mold and mildew which eats away at the supporting structures of your house. Plus, mold puts out many thousands of spores which can negatively affect the health of you and anyone else living inside the home.

So, for mortgage companies that make home loans, the integrity of the structure is imperative to the resale value in case the owners cannot make payments on the home. For these reasons it's important to perform hail damage repairs on your house. 

Why Hail Damage May Mean a Free Roof?

Depending on how your home or roof is insured, you may qualify for a free roof in the case of hail damage. Many insurance companies will include policies that protect against “Acts of God” or other natural damage in order to preserve the value of your home. It is likely that your roof is insured against hail damage, but only if you check with the insurance company.

File a Claim with Your Insurance Company:

You will need to talk to the insurance agent or agency that covers your home insurance. You will want to know specifically if you can replace your roof due to hail damage. In many cases, people find that hail damage in the Omaha area is covered under the policy. Of course, all policies differ and you will want to find out for sure.

How Fast to Report the Damage:

Many policies operate on a time limit which means that you only have so much time to discover and report the damage so that you can get your roof replaced. This is why it is imperative that after every hail storm you inspect the roof for any signs of hail damage. The sooner you can find and report it, the faster the process will be to replace your roof.

Steps to Get Roof Replaced: 

Your insurance company will send an adjuster to your house to inspect for damage. The adjuster will provide you with an estimate for replacement cost of damages. You will be required to find an Omaha roofing company to replace your roof. Your trusted roofing contractor will make sure the insurance estimate is accurate and you can have your roof replaced for free, except for the cost of your deductible.

Hail damage Omaha residents face when it comes to their roofs may mean a free replacement depending on their insurance coverage. You will need to check with your insurance agent in order to get a new roof after hail damage.

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