How to Properly Maintain Your Roof

How to Properly Maintain Your Roof - 

Every so often homeowners are reminded that their roofs may be in need of attention for possible repair or even a full replacement. Given the expense of having to replace your roof, keeping it intact for as long as possible can help keep more money in your pocket, maintaining your roofing is a must.

Here at United Services, a local roofing contractor in Omaha, we recommend the following steps in order to properly maintain your roof so that you can get the most out of your investment.

Minimize Your Time Walking on the Roof

While most roofs should be able to withstand the occasional treading by someone looking to get that Frisbee or toy, you will want to minimize it as much as possible, particularly with asphalt laminate shingles which are the most common roofing material. Wear sneakers or tennis shoes when walking on the roof in order to do as little damage as possible while having firm traction.  

When inspecting your roof, use binoculars and stand on the ground or place a ladder against the roof and stand on the rungs to look it over. An occasional venture on your roof is one thing, but you will want to minimize it as much as possible. Metal roofing can handle more traffic, but they are also slippery so you will need to be very careful.  Contact a roofer in Omaha, such as United Services, to inspect for you. 

Make Repairs Quickly

When you see a potential flaw in the roof, even if it is a small shingle deterioration, it is imperative that you make repairs as soon as possible. The first thing you will want to do is determine if the repair is something you can seal up yourself or if you need to call a professional service to do the roof repair. Damage around items such as vents can usually be sealed fairly quickly using the right products.

However, if the damage is of a more serious nature, then you will want to call a professional roofing company to ensure that the job is done correctly.

Consider a DaVinci Composite Roof or Metal Roof

Roofs made with wood or asphalt laminate shingles are subject to more wear and tear and after hail storms may be damaged in a manner that compromises your home. If you are planning on living in your home for quite some time, then you may want to consider Davinci composite shingles or a metal roof. 

While DaVinci composite roofing and metal roofs are more expensive, when properly installed they require very little maintenance and barring some type of catastrophic event or flaw will last a very long time. Plus, they will add to the resale value of your home as people appreciate what metal and composite roofs can offer.

The best roofing maintenance tip is that you work with a licensed, insured Omaha roofing company that can inspect your roof from time to time to spot any potential damage. The difference between correcting a small issue that just develops and waiting until the damage becomes quite noticeable may end up costing you thousands of dollars. By starting today and spending a few minutes after each big storm and between seasons you can properly inspect and maintain your roof.

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